For the People is a 501(c)(4) political media and action organization that breaks down politics and policy affecting people of color, and young folks, to help a new generation of leaders make an actual difference and focus on issues we care about by answering three questions— “What do I need to know?,” “How does this affect me?,” and “What can I do about it?”— for each piece of politics or policy that we discuss, and by holding public forums, town halls, debates and other events.
For the People is a 501(c)(4) political media and action organization that breaks down politics and policy affecting people of color, and young folks, to help a new generation of leaders make an actual difference and focus on issues we care about by answering three questions— “What do I need to know?,” “How does this affect me?,” and “What can I do about it?”— for each piece of politics or policy that we discuss, and by holding public forums, town halls, debates and other events.